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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's A Date!

Photo courtesy of
Since Leslie and I have been in the habit of having a sitter the past thirteen Tuesdays for a class we decided to continue the sitter and schedule and actual date night on Tuesdays. In the past we tried to have a couple of Friday or Saturdays a month but often found social and community obligations ate up those nights and then when we did not have those we just wanted to spend time with the kids and relax. No one schedules fundraisers on Tuesdays--and restaurants and movie theaters are empty!
Last night we decided to see a real adult themed movie for the first time since...I think that really bad gambling movie with Al Pacino and Matthew McConaughey (sp?), "Two For The Money" I think. So it has been a while. We agreed on "Leatherheads" (IMDB link here), it has sports, football and is historic themed for me and George Clooney for Leslie. For some reason we now get "Entertainment Weekly" at home and they gave it a "C+" so I figured it must be good.

And it was, good that is. The only issue I had with the movie was there were some historical inaccuracies (literary license) but easy to get past those to enjoy a fun plot, good acting, great music from the 1920's and good dialogue. I enjoyed it, chuckled a few times, a laugh or two, overall enjoyable. While a romantic comedy it did not follow the bait and hook to lure guys into a chick flick the way "Forget Paris" with Billy Crystal did (the guys know this one, Billy Crystal is NBA referee and all the promos had funny lines with him and NBA stars--if you saw the trailer you saw all the funny parts and sports aspects of the movie)--that was a total chick flick and I'm still bitter about being suckered in ten plus years later.

"Leatherheads" is a good date movie, nothing overly serious, something for him, something for her, no sex scenes, no violence--except 1920s football, no bogus special effects, no vulgar language--a "sh*t" once or twice is as far as it goes. The comedy is clean and well written, the romance is somewhat subtle and relevant.

I rate this: Comfy on the couch

Rating system: I came up with this for the kids' movies we see where I inevitably take a nap during the show:

Wide Awake: Excellent, go see
Comfy on the couch: Good movie, worth the theater money or top of the Netflix list for home viewing
Z: Dozed off for a few minutes
ZZ: Slept through "critical" plot development/resolution
ZZZ: A $10 nap

Oh, dinner. On a budget we hit the Greek food place in the food court with a coupon--gyro plate and a beer, delicious!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Very Random

** Okay I will admit to voting more than once on the silly poll at the left--I like pie and cookies!

** My sister has a new view from her office, she over looks San Francisco Bay at Alcatraz and Coit Tower.She sent me this pic this morning, I think those are ferry boat that ply the bay between San Fran and Marin County.
This is Coit Tower in the background.

Pretty view.

**My view is of a parking lot, not a bad parking lot view as parking lot views go. I have a standing desk so I am looking down on the parking lot all day watching the comings and goings.

Next to us is a decent size building which houses the Huntington Beach High School District Administration. They seem to employ quite a few people who smoke. Something that has intrigued me are the smokers who do power walking around our parking lot while smoking a cigarette.

I guess that is like ordering a salad for lunch or dinner and then getting a big slice of pie for dessert; balance out the universe.

** Watching this primary season I think the Democrats need to change the name of their party as their selection process for the Democratic nominee is not very democratic. They have disenfranchised all the voters in Michigan and Florida. And their party is set up with "superdelegates" who are beholden to no process or standards for whom to cast their very precious votes at the convention--thereby usurping the selection process from their party members and voters. Maybe they should change the name to the "Authoritarian" Party, or the "Oligarchic" Party. Points to the person who can best rename the party to match their selection procedures.

** Back to parking lots, people driving through parking lots drive like they are on a street, people walking through parking lots walk like they are on a sidewalk. I am surprised more walkers are not run over by drivers.

** Too many people in Southern California complain about the weather. Seriously. In the summer it is too hot, when we finally get rain for the first time since May, April, March in October or November they wish it was sunny. When it rains for the third day in a row they are "so sick of all this rain." It rained last night--after dinner time mind you--and someone this morning was complaining because...I don't know why she was complaining but, "it's April already I am done with the cold (sixty five degrees) and wet."

** My position on taxes is this: I would rather pay taxes in America than any other country on Earth...just not too much.

** I will be 46 in three months, for the first time today someone other than my wife told me
my hair was getting gray...she also told me, "at least you don't have a bald spot." Inside half a decade for me AARP card.