I'm a Husband, Dad, mortgage broker, community volunteer, hack golfer who relaxes by cooking. I enjoy helping people laugh and others who help me laugh. I started this site so I could have a place to put my creative writing pieces and just random, crazy thoughts without being confined to the site parameters of my business site. In January 2009 after leaving the Long Beach Post (www.lbpost.com) I started putting more current event and political commentary on the site. I hope you enjoy, but if you do not that is fine the web is huge and there is certainly something out there for you--this is for mostly for me to get my thought out, as long as I enjoy it that is what counts and hopefully my enjoyment makes for better reading for you. Thanks for visiting.
Please note that a lot of my contributions will probalby be typed right in with know editteing or chex for grahamer or spellunking--give me a break and don't tell Mrs. Landis or any other English teacher.
Have a great day and stop by whenever you wish. DCS
All material on this site, unless otherwise noted, is my property and by publishing on the web I am copyrighting. In other words don't plagarize it without crediting me, and if you want to steal one of my ideas and make it into a screenplay for a blockbuster chick-flick or other type of movie that is a great idea--but let's talk about what my cut will be for having the idea.
This is my intellectual property (or lack of intellect depending on the day and post) so don't think you can profit off of it without cutting me in on the deal.
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