Below are questions I have asked myself throughout the past week. Instead of writing what my answers to them would be I am interested in any answers you may have, or additional questions you have asked yourself.
For the week starting Monday September 28, 2009 here are some questions I have had:
Should the LA District Attorney be pursuing extradition of Roman Polanski?
Who goes further in the playoffs the Angels or Dodgers?
Did you answer that last question with your head or your heart?
Why is the worst time to have a meeting when you scheduled it?
How out of touch is Hollywood and its “stars?”
Do you care that Europe and others are upset that Polanski has been arrested and we are trying to extradite him to face his sentencing for the crime he is guilty of committing?
How many more election cycles will we have where the theme for any of the politicians is not “Change?”
Brush or comb?
Kid #1 Question: Do you think white clouds or grey clouds are prettier?
Do you regularly attend religious service?
Instead of flying to Copenhagen, would it not have been a more powerful statement for President Obama to cancel the trip to Denmark and instead actually go to Chicago, stand where that poor boy was murdered and make a statement there about bringing Chicagoans together, Americans together and if possible the world together in Chicago for the Games?
American or Import?
How is it that those who preach “open and honest communication” seem to accept it the least?
For Verizon: How much lower would my monthly bill be if you stopped sending us five mailers a week for each account marketing Fios—which we already have for internet and phone service?
Why is the minute you have to do something so much shorter than the minute you have to wait for something?
Baked or mashed?
Have those defending or apologizing for Polanski or criticizing the LA District Attorney for trying to extradite him lost all moral standing to speak in favor of women’s rights?
What act of random kindness did you do this week for a total stranger?
What memorable natural disasters/storms have you experienced?
Kid #2 question: Do you like to draw?
When was the last Olympics held in South America?
Isn’t this headline from the Press-Telegram, “LBPD Says Shooting Gang Related,”
equivalent to ‘Dog Bites Man’?
When was the last time you had pizza for breakfast?
Where does responsibility lie for juvenile delinquency and crime?
Cookies or Pie?
So those are the questions, what are your answers? Click on the comments button below and let us know what you think.
1 comment:
Should the LA District Attorney be pursuing extradition of Roman Polanski?
Yes. For cryin out loud, why NOT?
Who goes further in the playoffs the Angels or Dodgers?
Did you answer that last question with your head or your heart?
I used my fingers, it’s really hard to type correctly with my head
Why is the worst time to have a meeting when you scheduled it?
Because I’m not the boss
How out of touch is Hollywood and its “stars?”
Out of touch with what?
Do you care that Europe and others are upset that Polanski has been arrested ?
Didn’t you already ask this question, in so many words?
How many more election cycles will we have where the theme for any of the politicians is not “Change?”
Never gonna happen, because we’ve seen our best days in terms of economic and geopolitical might. The status quo is never going to be what people want.
Brush or comb?
Kid #1 Question: Do you think white clouds or grey clouds are prettier?
Giant fluffy white clouds
Do you regularly attend religious service?
Yes, although I guess it depends how you define regularly
Instead of flying to Copenhagen, would it not have been a more powerful statement for President Obama to cancel the trip to Denmark and instead actually go to Chicago, stand where that poor boy was murdered and make a statement there about bringing Chicagoans together, Americans together and if possible the world together in Chicago for the Games?
Obama in Copenhagen was a huge political miscalculation. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose. Twas beneath the dignity of the office, and now he looks weak. I don’t know what Emmanuel and axelrod were thinking letting him do that.
American or Import?
We talking beer here? I like American microbrews, I cant stand german or czheck beers, but I love real Belgian ales, a few latin American brews, and bass on tap. Love firestone from paso robles, love anchor steam, sierra Nevada, sam adams is fine. I guess American, now that you ask.
How is it that those who preach “open and honest communication” seem to accept it the least?
I haven’t noticed that. Be careful not to assume your experience is universal. I believe in open honest communication and practice it daily.
For Verizon: How much lower would my monthly bill be if you stopped sending us five mailers a week for each account marketing Fios—which we already have for internet and phone service?
Not lower, because ads generate business. Believe me, if ads didn’t work, they’d stop paying for them.
Why is the minute you have to do something so much shorter than the minute you have to wait for something?
It isnt
Baked or mashed?
Depends on the main dish, and my mood
Have those defending or apologizing for Polanski or criticizing the LA District Attorney for trying to extradite him lost all moral standing to speak in favor of women’s rights?
Probably. But they probably weren’t going to speak about women’s right, anyway. You wouldn’t believe the crap I’ve hear uttered about this situation. “What was she doing there anyway?” for example, and “well, they were both drunk, so…?
What act of random kindness did you do this week for a total stranger?
I gave a bottle of water to an old woman begging for change in a wheelchair outside the cvs at los coyotes.
What memorable natural disasters/storms have you experienced?
A few hurricanes, nothing too exciting.
Kid #2 question: Do you like to draw?
Yes, and paint too
When was the last Olympics held in South America?
I have no idea but this question is factual so just google it.
Isn’t this headline from the Press-Telegram, “LBPD Says Shooting Gang Related,”
equivalent to ‘Dog Bites Man’?
More like, “medical examiner says man’s death caused by dog bite”
When was the last time you had pizza for breakfast?
1993 or so, I think.
Where does responsibility lie for juvenile delinquency and crime?
Ancestral trauma.
Cookies or Pie?
Ice cream!
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